Tree Removal or Pruning in your suburb Gosford
What do I do if I need to remove a tree in Gosford?
If the tree is over three metres in height and is not exempt, you will need to lodge a Tree Works Application Form for tree removal or pruning
Council will then send a Tree Assessment Officer to your property; usually within two weeks of receiving your application. Council will notify you by mail with the results of the inspection. You will need to display your consent letter from council at the front of the site while the work is being carried out by an approved council contractor such as Argonauts Tree Service for tree removal-pruning.Gosford 2250
All approvals are valid for five years
– if a permit has expired, you will need to repay the application fee, and then re-apply.
You don’t need to lodge an application if your tree is part of a current Development Application (DA) with council, as it will be assessed as part of the DA process.
Why are trees important?
Trees are important to us for many reasons.
- As well as looking beautiful
- They provide shade
- Lock up carbon and release oxygen into the air
- Provide habitats for a wide range of birds and animals
- Help to screen unsightly views, assist in dampening noise, reduce air temperature and increase privacy
- Prevent erosion and stabilise the soil.

Is there anything else I need to know when needing tree removal-pruning Gosford 2250
- Generally, consent for the removal of a tree will not be given if the complaint relates to leaf fall or enhancement of views.
- As a condition of consent, council encourages you to replace each tree removed with a local Australian native tree or a tree suitable for the site and location.
- Contact your energy authority if you have problems with a tree under the street power lines. If there is immediate danger to life or property, contact the State Emergency Service on 132 500 for emergency assistance.
- Only the owner of a tree, or the owner’s agent, can apply for the removal of a tree. In the case of retirement villages, relocatable home parks, villas and town houses, the Manager or Body Corporate would need to apply.
- Before you remove trees containing hollows which may be providing habitat for wildlife, check with the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage to see if licensing is required. This advice only applies to trees that are listed as exempt and therefore don’t require approval.
- Information provided on this form may be obtained under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Remember – your approval is valid for five years from the date of consent.
- Use only Council approved Tree Contractors that are registered on the Councils website. Argonauts Tree Service has been servicing Gosford council for over 35 years and is one of its preferred Tree Contractors
There are many tree removal-pruning business in Gosford. Finding a business that is trustworthy and reliable and that turns up on time is even harder. Argonauts Tree Service has been servicing the Gosford area for over 38 years and have a reputation build on trust and professional service. Call us for a no obligation fee quote on your tree removal-pruning Gosford